Narratology – Men’s Health Magazine


The front cover has a clear sense of instruction and challenge. For instruction and aspirations to take hold they need to recognise a need in the reader. In this case the front cover is appealing to the post-Christmas flabby male.

  • The equilibrium of his tanned toned beach bod is looooong gone. Autumn breeds sofas, binge watching, beers and winter stews that you can stand a stick in. Munch munch munch…..An then Christmas happens. The only time of year when it is just about socially acceptable to drink brandy at 9 am (gulp) and consume your own body weight in chocolate before breakfast. But all this has a cost to the 30+ male – his metabolism regularly goes AWOL. Meta needs to get Beta. Doubled would be good if he is to stand any chance of burning the voluminous stack of calories currently making permanent residence hanging over his belt.
  • We are now in DISEQUILIBRIUM! Not only is he a bit fatter than he used to be – this ‘holiday weight’ is also no longer part of what it means to be a man. A bit of a paunch used to be considered ‘manly’. Paunch=Pub=Man. Reassuring mid drift overhangs that signified the working man. Not at home making the dinner but down the local boozer. However the current social and cultural ideal is that a man should take care of himself, be groomed, trim, fresh, able to fix stuff and change nappies, sort the car out and cook dinner, be tough and rugged and yet emotionally available, bread winner and bread maker! Metrosexuality is hard work.
  • Our man now needs fixing. He requires shortcuts, demolition tips, reboots, blueprints to wage war! And who better to turn to but the reassuring grit and gumption (it is a work. Look it up.) of Men’s Health Magazine. His Men’s Health Magazine. It makes him feel terribly inadequate but it gives him the tools to sort his world out. More enigmas than the Bletchley Park annual Secret Santa – the cover entices and he anticipates the rewards. To make him more of the man that he should be, and ultimately restore him to his old self but a bit more ‘newer’. Yeah. Newer equilibrium. Sorted. Body Blasted. Core Built. Blues Slayed. Gut Gone.

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